Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Incorporating Theory Into Population Health -

Question: Discuss about the Incorporating Theory Into Population Health. Answer: Introduction Intersectionality is considered as the most important theory in the contemporary society in which the various human aspects such as sexual orientation, race, class and gender are being considered (Brah, Avtar and Ann Phoenix 2014). The theory believes in the fact that the human aspects of the society do not exist in isolation and that they are related by complex interwoven relationships (Brah, Avtar and Ann Phoenix 2014). These relationships are important for understanding for the existence of the human conditions in the modern society. This theory is helpful in understanding of the social injustice and social inequality. This theory focuses on the fact that the social identities are not usually mapped in usual social discourses and they are often oppressed, discriminated and dominated. This paper would focus on the different discrimination categories that are being faced by the people in the society. The experiences of the professional sportsmen and sportswomen would be discussed with relevance to the intersectional theory. The theory of intersectionality would be discussed along with reference to gender, class, race and experiences of the various sportsperson in swimming and AFL ( Australian Football League). Concept of intersectionality Theme 1 As defined by Bauer and Greta (2014), intersectionality is one of the most important theory in understanding of the different social inequalities faced by the persons in relation to the gender, race, sexuality and race that focuses on the mutually constitutive processes. This theory focuses on the various aspects of the identity of an individual that are used to affect the perception in the society (Brah, Avtar and Ann Phoenix 2014). This theory is considered to be an analysis of the power hierarchies of the different individuals within a particular social sphere. The society has multiple layers of oppression that are usually inter related with each other (Brah, Avtar and Ann Phoenix 2014). For example, there are sports person who are not being given chances in their respective fields for their race, sex or other discriminating factors. There are many instances of abuse that are being faced by the sports person. Intersectionality cannot be stated as a static process but it is a dynamic process that is responsible for the creation of the responses to complex social inequalities. As opined by Melton, Nicole and Bryant (2017), there are usually three constructs within the premises of the intersectional theory such as structural intersectionality, political intersectionality and representational intersectionality. The representational intersectionality is concerned with the presence of various forms of stereotypes in the world of sports that affect the various individuals with multiple forms of identities (Brah, Avtar and Ann Phoenix 2014). Theme 2 As opined by Burton and Laura (2015), there has been a decrease in the participation opportunities for women as well as girls in all form of sport. Women are often underrepresented in the various leadership positions of the sports. The important leadership positions are often being occupied by the male counterparts and it is expected that women would stay out of these positions. There are various stereotyping issues that are prevalent in the sports industry and there have been several layers of discrimination (Burton and Laura 2015). This has led to the application of the intersectionality theory, in which there has been a decrease in the women participation in sports. Theme 3 It has been widely observed that the individuals that have been a victim of the racial discrimination in Australia do suffer from severe health impacts (Ferdinand et al. 2015). The concepts of intersectionality focus on the fact that the racial discriminations prevent the ethnic minority to have access to the public life and community life. The culturally minor communities do not have equal service provision as well as freedom from violence. They have associated health impacts when they suffer from discrimination every other day (Krieger and Nancy 2014). There are instances when the victim faces discrimination in the employment sectors as well as various shops, which increases their psychological distress. They are said to be having higher degrees of stress as they start to face discrimination every single day (World Health Organizations 2014). When there is an increase in the discrimination faced, then there is an automatic increase in the mental stress. They do not like to interact with their close ties and tend to disassociate from them (Ferdinand et al. 2015). This has decreased the overall health quality of the society as there have been more instances of mentally sick persons. Experiences of professional sportsmen and women in AFL and swimming Theme 1 The AFL supporters have demonstrated their attitudes by engaging in abusing the various indigenous players. There are many instances in which the players were a victim of racism. They were abused for their skin colors and there have been many difficulties for them in the field (Gastin et al. 2015). IN AFL, the majority of the players are from indigenous origin. Research shows that almost 10% of the players are indigenous and they often been portrayed in the wrong sense (Gastin et al. 2015). The society often argues that the native Australian players often posses their inborn ability to play the football sport. In fact, experts say that such opinions are not based on any biological ability but are a result of the different political as well as socio-economic conditions. The indigenous players are often marginalized as well as excluded from important positions in the field (Gastin et al. 2015). They are being given positions involving agility and speed, rather than giving positions bas ed on the intelligence and leadership. The control of AFL game is being dominated by the white athletes and this indicates a deeper racial discrimination (Gastin et al. 2015). The game has also witnessed systematic discrimination towards the minority ethnic groups. Australia has a long history of racial discrimination in which sport is often the biggest victim (Philpott and Simon 2017). There has not been racial as well as equal competition in the Australian sport. Theme 2 In the swimming sphere of Australia, there has been a growing trend of discriminating the swimmers based on their weight and disability. The persons with disabilities should be given more privileges, when it comes to swimming, but actually this doesnt happen. They are being prevented from using the pool and barred from the area. In some cases, there has been racial discrimination in the pool also where Blacks and Whites have separate swimming time and they cannot swim at the same time (Myers et al. 2017.). There were times when the pool access was restricted to the native Australians and the Black people were prohibited from using the pool. The racial discrimination in the swimming pools prevented the sports from becoming one of the leisure activities of the Black citizens. Theme 3 As commented by Kunze and Astrid (2017), there is a major gender wage gap in the developed countries that still exists in all the industries including the sports industry. It is true that there has been an increase in the female employment rates in the labor market. It has been observed that the female population has less payment potential than their male counterparts. The hourly wage has been used to understand the productivity related pay and the hourly wages. This has been embedded in the countrys culture in such a way that the population perceives the disparity as a normal phenomenon. It is a common phenomenon that the male earnings profile tends to have a steeper growth curve as compared to their female counterparts (Gibson, David and Gibson 2017). The pay structures of the females increase in a moderate level and they tend to flatten at some point of time. This is due to their child rearing period in which they usually have negligent income as their employment opportunities cea ses to exist at this point of time. Contrast Matrix Topic 1 Topic 2 Theme 1 Concept of intersectionality Discrimination in AFL Theme 2 Under representation of women in leadership positions (sports) Discriminating the swimmers based on their race, weight, disability Theme 3 Mental Health Impacts of racial discrimination in Australia Unequal gender pay in which there is less salary of the females Fig: Contrast Matrix Source: Created by author Conclusion The above topics and the various themes have led to a fact that there are certain similarities as well as dissimilarities in the overall intersectionality process. The concept of intersectionality was discussed in the first theme, which is similar to the first theme of the second topic in which the discrimination in the AFL is considered. However, the other themes are diverse from each other. In one theme, the under representation of women in leadership positions especially in the sports industry is being determined. In the next theme, the different mental health impacts of racial discrimination in Australia were discussed. One of the most important themes discussed was the discrimination of the swimmers based on their race, weight and disability. The increasing gender inequality have also been discussed in the last theme. References Bauer, Greta R. "Incorporating intersectionality theory into population health research methodology: challenges and the potential to advance health equity."Social Science Medicine110 (2014): 10-17. Brah, Avtar, and Ann Phoenix. "occupy Intersectionality."Intersectionality: A Foundations and Frontiers Reader(2014). Burton, Laura J. "Underrepresentation of women in sport leadership: A review of research."Sport Management Review18, no. 2 (2015): 155-165. Ferdinand, Angeline S., Yin Paradies, and Margaret Kelaher. 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